Friday 23 October 2015

The Environmental Promises of the Government of Canada

West Coast Environmental Law has summarized the buchering of environmental laws in the past decade by the Conservative government in Ottawa, and given the platforms of the major parties:

If you look to the index to this site in October 2014 as well as the 2015 documents on legal changes to weaken environmental law you will find many of the same topics:

Go read the Context part of the summary if you don't have time for the entire article. I would like you to hear their take, as lawyers, and environmental lawyers, in their own words.

After the economy, the environment was the most important issue to Canadians in this recent election. That's how much Canadians care.

Here is what our new PM, needs to do first:

Justin Trudeau

It is important to make the next Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada be from BC.

Gail Shea and eastern ministers do not get the importance of salmon to BC.  You have lived here, so you know.

The numbers are staggering: only 170,000 second winter Atlantic salmon in six provinces versus 73,000,000 of five Pacific salmons species in BC.

99.8% of all salmon are from BC. In the half of the country with Atlantic Salmon there are only .2% of all the salmon

Please appoint the Minister of FOC from BC.

Thank you.

DC Reid

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